

一早,爸爸便带我,良财和弟弟:良杰 去咖啡店用早餐

是 AIR ITAM 的其中一间咖啡店


一秒钟的眼神交流后,发现......我不认识他 lolx

他的妹妹和我的弟弟一样form 1 and is from 恒毅中学的口琴队的

来到学校,PRS有camp哦,现在我才发现我有很多朋友都是PRS's member


PRS 抢了我们(空手道)平时练习的地方:有盖篮球场 你们要小心哦 胆胆踩地盘

练习了half and hour then i went to Kumpulan Keceriaan Sekolah's AGM

ooo 我被选作 assistant disiplin the first post i got in CLHS

LCYis disiplin exco ==

他要发warning letter 了,各位要识时务哦

10.05 i went home then went out again with father and mother

father said got 7 schools in penang closed aleady cuz H1N1

i so scared la

we reach Sunshine Farlim

one girl gave me a 传单: 兵临城下 ....what i gonna to do about that?  play or throw the paper away

Sunshine Farlim 明天10am-11am 家好月圆造势活动 only 陈豪 and 关菊英 没有林峰,我不去 !

i bought one new sport shoes !

when buying things i met 美爱,ooo 是我主动打招呼的呀 差点擦身而过了

两年半不见,我还记得小学同学的名字,我还重情义吧 ^^

2 评论:

♥ B ♥ 说...

陈豪 handsome ma...
aiyo. lam fong dint come, u also dunwan go.HAH.

then I sure this saturday sure make u happy ea~

tlw 说...

